Arts Ignite

A vibrant online identity for a catalyst for youth artistic expression.

Arts Ignite
Webdesign & development


Arts Ignite is a pioneering organization that uses the power of art to uplift and empower young people. By partnering with exceptional teaching artists and community organizations, they bring transformative art experiences to youth between the ages of 4 and 21. Through their unique approach, they tackle systemic issues affecting their communities, such as immigration, poverty, and violence, fostering lasting relationships that empower youth to become leaders.

Our work together

Working closely with our friends at Studio Tomo, Bureau for Good was tasked with designing and developing the organizational website for Arts Ignite. Using the power of digital storytelling, we aimed to showcase the vibrant creativity that defines Arts Ignite and highlight their deep commitment to youth empowerment and community transformation.

Our Impact

Our Impact

Our Impact

We employed a modular design approach that allowed for flexibility in content presentation and the inclusion of vivid imagery, compelling narratives, and clear calls to action. The site invites visitors to explore the various genres, workshops, and residencies offered by Arts Ignite, while also providing insights into their deep community impact.

Our Impact

Let's build the future— together.